Tune in on this weeks podcast episode called “The Bride of Christ"! Together, special guest
and I discuss her poem “Adam’s Bride” and the powerful imagery about being the Bride of Christ.A Few Takeaways
Reading from Sakari’s poem “Adam’s Bride”
Christ’s redemptive love
What it means to be purified and refined as the Bride of Christ
The excitement and glory of Christ’s second-coming
How the character of Christ as the Bridegroom impacts our relationship with God
Inspiring ways to explore this Bridegroom nature of Christ
Extra Scriptures:
Gen 2:21-24
John 19:33-34
Philippians 3:10
Please read Sakari’s poem beautiful poem “Adam’s Bride” and/or subscribe to her blog to read more of her poetry!
Thank you all for listening and God Bless!
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